039 dean 039 your best bet to meet with 039 people 039 like this 039 may be to find out where human females have been crossed with sows the genitalia of that one 039 cross 039 without the white plastic fibered wig is the most ovine non humanoid i 039 ve ever had the misfortune of witnessing even without the alien 039 look 039 the whole scenario was grotesque
i wanna meet with people like this wow love it
039 dean 039 your best bet to meet with 039 people 039 like this 039 may be to find out where human females have been crossed with sows the genitalia of that one 039 cross 039 without the white plastic fibered wig is the most ovine non humanoid i 039 ve ever had the misfortune of witnessing even without the alien 039 look 039 the whole scenario was grotesque
brenda messer what a fucking pig
hey misfit why criticism others fantasies tastes