whomever you are this is one of the finest pieces of artistic protest i 039 ve ever seen i wish this could go viral people around the world pissing on mcdonalds 039 floor that would get them some interesting attention and perhaps well deserved scrutiny
so hot god if i was eating next to you i 039 d stop and jerk off to you pissing so hott goodjob!
bad girl could you find toilet
nice girl
non ci sono i bagni da mcdonald la vera protesta atilde uml pisciare sul pavimento di mcdonald davanti a tanti clienti!effettivamente le mancano le palle
whomever you are this is one of the finest pieces of artistic protest i 039 ve ever seen i wish this could go viral people around the world pissing on mcdonalds 039 floor that would get them some interesting attention and perhaps well deserved scrutiny
so hot god if i was eating next to you i 039 d stop and jerk off to you pissing so hott goodjob!
bad girl could you find toilet
nice girl
non ci sono i bagni da mcdonald la vera protesta atilde uml pisciare sul pavimento di mcdonald davanti a tanti clienti!effettivamente le mancano le palle
i wish i was the worker who cleaned it up
love it
any more of her
finger licking good
she can pee on my floor any time